Welcome to Moab Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation

Rhonda Cowern is your Physical TherapistAre we spending too much time sitting?

Research has proven that our human bodies were made to move, and when we become more sedentary we begin to break down. You may think this information doesn’t pertain to you because you are active or only sit as needed throughout the day- but read on. These tips will combat aches and pains of daily living including sitting at your computer, looking at our phones, and reaching forward while driving our cars. At times, you may be required to sit for a prolonged duration. It could be due to your commute into town, your current job, or while streaming movies and binge watching Netflix. I have some simple exercises that we can all do every day to feel ready to go and keep the blood flowing, as well as strengthen muscles on the backside of your body (referred to as the posterior chain in the medical field). Next time you go to sit down – get ready to sit with your arms straight out in front of you, squat down as far as you can but don’t SIT just yet, hold that position for 5-15 seconds (depending on your strength), and then squeeze your bottom and stand back up. Repeat this twice before you actually sit down during the day. Be safe- have a chair behind you if you need to sit and can’t hold the position as shown to the right. You will notice a difference in your strength and stability when you are upright and walking around.

The best seated exercises for physical therapyThe next exercise you can do while sitting is called the Bum Squeeze. This will cause the muscles in your bottom to fire. While being seated, squeeze your bottom as hard as you can, and focus on the contraction, while still breathing (as shown to the left). You should feel yourself rise up a bit in the chair and then sink back down on the release. Hold this for 5-15 seconds, relax and repeat 5-10 times. These simple tips can keep your blood flowing and your muscles strong. This exercise could help you to perform daily cooking, cleaning, and even walking out to the mailbox.

Please feel free to contact our clinic with any questions. We will be happy to help schedule you for an evaluation if you need more great exercises to keep you moving! (435) 210-1985, We are located 83 East Center Street near the visitor center.

Moab Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation is proud to announce a new provider has joined our staff!

Visit the best Physical Therapy clinic in MoabMrs. Chloe Hollis, physical therapy assistant, will be helping Dr. Rhonda Cowern in healing our community one patient at a time! Check out our updated website at: moabphysicaltherapy.com to read Chloe’s bio and like us on FACEBOOK.

We look forward to working with you!